Is there a favourite place, or view that you would like captured on canvas?

If so, I would be happy to create a beautiful commission for you.  You can see from the comments below that these paintings were created for different occasions, but that the outcome was the same.  They now have a permanent work of art to remind them of a time and place that meant a great deal to  them.

If there is a corner of our beautiful countryside you would like me to capture please contact me with your thoughts so I can create a timeless painting for you to enjoy.

"We can practically hear the crunch of snow under foot in this picture!  

You've painted us a wonderful keepsake of a well trodden path which now that we are leaving beautiful Reigate Heath will remind us of some great times."

"Thank you for painting this picture for my husband's 40th birthday, in secret! 

Now that you have captured our garden so beautifully we feel if we ever moved we would take a piece of it with us. 

We love it!"